I bring a background that is a medley of Shamanism, mysticism, science and eclectic exploration. I am an ardent advocate for aligning emotions, spirit and biology. Practical, directive and inspirational, I bring clarity through connection. I wiggle you out of the rabbit holes and tame your monkeys.
“Let’s dance with your shadows as you dance with your light, as they are the gift of your humanity!”
I am passionate about the language of blood and dedicated to understanding the depth of its offerings. My practice includes Live and Dry Blood Analysis, and also encompasses Ontological Coaching and Spiritual Intuitive Readings. When asked how these all work together, my answer is how can they not? Blood is our soul signature. How we work with all these aspects of our intrinsic natured selves is the key and I continue to be in awe.
Biological medicine considers that the internal balance is essential to optimal health. Each and every nuance of our biology is an expression of an emotion. Once we translate the messages, healing is possible.
Bachelor in Education
A background in Education, specializing with Autistic, ADD & gifted children ignited a passion for optimizing cognitive & behavioral states of being. In a united effort with the University of Alberta and the Autistic School, improvement in the potentials in challenged children was affected by changing the culture of food within the household.
Live & Dry Blood Analysis
Using Darkfield Microscopy plus OST (dry blood) or Coagulation Morphology, insight into the anomalies within the blood offers a unique vantage point. Studies include that of Michael Coyle (California), Dr. Alexander Beddoe DDS (Reams Biological Theory of Ionization), Dr. Okker Botha ND (South Africa) & Dr. Eddy Betterman MD (Malaysia).
Master Herbalist
I studied at the Alpine College in Salmon Arm, BC under the tutelage of Yarrow Alpine. The course focused on indigenous plants as medicine and I continued on to assist with teaching over a number of years. The power of herbs for foundational healing is quintessential and aligns elegantly with our biology. The spirit of plants offer us deep wisdom.
Ontological Life Coach
Life Coaching explores our relationship with the world and ourselves and embraces personal growth from a unique perspective. As a graduate of the Accomplishment Coaching Seattle Program in 2010, I use its methodology in all aspects of my work. The focus is on reformatting the underlying belief systems that interfere with our goals.
Spiritual Intuitive
Readings are practical, directive and inspirational. I bring voice to the underlying messages from biology, emotion and circumstances so that you may move more dynamically into your life.
Lecturing, Writing and Instructing
My experience encompasses Health and Wellness lecturing & training nationwide, Patient Seminars, Focus Study Groups, & article contributions to popular health magazines. I served as Educational Director for a well-known Nutraceutical company and traveled across Canada teaching product knowledge. I continue to write marketing and educational material for companies.
Instructor at Pacific Rim College
Classes focus on the Toxicity of Food and the impact on the planet. I conduct student clinics that provide the opportunity to train aspiring nutritionists and it is a joy to share in the enthusiasm of young minds.
Clinic Experience
Consultant at a private alternative health facility that offered support to those with significant health issues, with extensive focus on cancer. My position required a strong knowledge of food/plant and other remedies necessary to circumvent symptoms and optimize health.
Athletic Community
I participated with the natural bodybuilding industry offering a clinical perspective to athletes & served as a Provincial Natural Bodybuilding Judge for numbers of years. I have prepared hundreds of meal plans for aspiring athletes to support their athletic pursuits. My own involvement as an athlete was most beneficial.