Life Changing

Ontological Life Coaching is the study of being. Life offers us a myriad of experiences that vacillate like the stock market. Sometimes life isn’t fair. Sometimes it seems to target us with a harsh edge that drains our internal resources leaving you perceiving that you are “done to”. Could it be possible that you were consciously or unconsciously the co-creator in service of your spiritual evolution?

When you perceive discord internally or externally, your thirst for reclaiming our balance is heightened. This calls for resourceful realignment with your relationship to both self and environment. Coaching is a unique approach that facilitates the expression and manifestation of your power and potential. It reintroduces you to your essence self.

Essence is your innate quality that is unencumbered by your human meanderings. It is your ultimate nature, your purest form, your spirited self that is the expression of you in your purest form.

The focus is on ‘being’ before ‘doing’. It is based on self-awareness, which includes language, body, sensing, thinking, emotions, moods, relationships, and what it means to learn. It also pre-supposes the idea of Oneness as the unchanging ground of self-awareness. It can be as layered and deep as you wish to go.

So how do you get in the way of yourself? If you create change, would there be more ease and flow? Using tools, strategies and accountability, this process provides access to:

  • Self-awareness
  • Personal evolution
  • Course correction
  • Lasting change
  • Movement beyond mediocre results
  • Authenticated thinking
  • Liberated transformation

Do you secretly seek external misalignment to avoid facing your internal misalignment? Retrieve that wise warrior within you. Welcome to your path of initiation.

AS COACH – It is the opportunity to add speed and power to your personal evolution. Coaching is action based therefore views the past as an access point to your breakthroughs to creating future. A coach is a reflection and reminder of your greatness, facilitating movement into your full potential through the use of projects, requests, commitments and actions. Intent plus action equals results!

AS CLIENT – It is the opportunity to realize that you are already healthy and whole. The sessions provide the safe haven to be listened to and actually heard. As client, it is getting out of the way of what’s holding you back by providing new skills and tools geared specifically for you. You will feel acknowledged, empowered and in motion!